My personal Boudoir Photography Journey

Why is it anytime we are asked to talk about or describe ourselves, we suddenly feel hot and tingly all over? Like little needles are piercing your skin all over your body while your hands get clammy. Your armpits start sweating like you’re halfway through a spin class. Your legs start wobbling like you just spent 10 minutes at the trampoline park with your kids! (How do I only last 10 minutes… IF that!!?)

I’m not sure why this is, maybe it’s because at the core of our being, as humans, we want to be heard, understood, and loved. I have been on this journey to self love for many years. Trying to be good enough, doing and saying all the right things, making the right decisions, showing up and being the perfect friend, sister, daughter, wife, mom… the list goes on and on. While I have learned and grown so much already, I know I am still discovering my true power more every day! This journey, while it’s been trying, I am grateful. This journey is what led me to fall so madly and deeply in love with the power of a Boudoir Photo Shoot Experience.

I still remember my very first Boudoir Shoot over 10 years ago. I had no idea what I was doing! I was testing different lighting, trying out poses, basically flying by the seat of my pants if I’m honest. One single thing hit me like a lightning bolt, and I will never forget that feeling…Boudoir Photography, is what I was called to do! It's my mission to show women that no matter our size, shape, age, or race,

 and WE are POWERFUL!

I found that through Boudoir Photography I am given the opportunity to show women what self-care and self-love truly is. I get the honor of showing them how truly beautiful they are from the inside-out. Most importantly, they get to see themselves through the eyes of their loved ones.

Don’t get me wrong, Boudoir Portraits are the #1 Gift your significant other will never expect and can’t buy themselves, but it truly is also the #1 Gift a woman can give herself.

This is my WHY for choosing to specialize in Boudoir! 

Here are 5 other fun facts about me! 

1) Favorite ice cream: Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia
2) Favorite Book: Wicked by Gregory Maguire
3) I'm a cat person, but I love Terriers and snakes. 🐍
4) I could eat fish tacos from Kiko's every👏🏿day👏🏿👌🏿
5) Hiking Torrey Pines is my favorite way to be outside if I'm not at the beach.

What made you interested in doing a Boudoir Shoot? Was it to rediscover your inner goddess, to have a fun day of pampering and self-care, or to give the #1 gift to your S.O.? Or maybe it’s both? I would love to know!


How To Choose The Right Boudoir Photographer For YOU?